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Monday 12 January 2009

I'm feeling better now =)

Thanks guys, for all the support and everything.
I feel much better. Thanks.
I'll continue to try my best to keep smiling. :D

anyways.. mm..

I think I have a weak lung.
need to go check up. boo.
I use to have asthma when I was young, but it got better.
and I had experience eating cough med throughout a year, yes it was no fun
now, I've been coughing lately, but whenever I go to air-condition place, I start coughing.
ugh... and my cough was already healed! or so I thought la. I don't like to use the air-con in my house, altho my house is air-conditioned. haha. I've got a wall fan just for myself, so yeah la, nough of this.
cannot drink cold la, have to wear jacket la, have to eat icky med la.. sucks.

I want to leave my nail long , lalala, for CNY.
eee. it's comingggg. haha, gila dy.

some random things today.

I met my tuition mate while walking back to college, we both recognize each other but we didn't know each other's names.
Me: Owh, hi, you're from Ikhlas Jaya Tuition Centre right right?
Leon( unsure of the spelling): Yeah, you are also from there right, oh, you're the noisy one.
*What the DONKEY* noisy one? LOL! I was never labelled as the noisy one before. =( hahahaha.
Me: Gee, that's how you think of me la, but , I dont' know your name.
Leon: Leon.
and sooooooooooo on..

During Physics
Mr.Yap : So Jackie Chan tries to pull you down, and the helicopter tries to pull you up, so how?

Getting the stapler
Me:Carmen, do you have a stapler?
*passes stapler* * uses* *returns*
Me: haha, hand not long enough la..
Shwen Nee: Haha, hand not long enough la..
HAHAHa, fyi, shwen nee was siting in between Carmen and I , so yeah..

hehehe, have an effing 4 hours of city survival skills just for the girls on FRI.
don't know do what inside la.
then during the early break on FRI, my class assist suggest that we go for lunch for a get together.
I think it's good for a get together, but only for an hour wo.. can make it not ?
don't know
but, hopefully , we get to know more of each other and be good friends =DD

duh enough, I lost my freaking notes+homeworks+photostated notes
Thanks Hui Mien for borrowing hers to mine.
5 pages of maths work, have to REDO. wth wth wth wth wtf wtf.
okay! my fault.
hmpph, have to triple check next time.


byebye. =]


Anonymous said...

aiya... talkin bout homework...
i still got a ton of homework hasnt done yet... wtf!!!

for weak LUNG only...
drink "scott emotion" (spell correctly?!) after every meal lar... pop pop pop!!!
love u... with no rope...

Jason CJ said...

how long no pic dy haha
looking forward to it
"scott emotion" cod liver oil ke?
take care ur health
not in the position to say so tho Xp

love u... sayang sayang

Lenna♥ said...

but I don't have to do de you know, I lost it at college. huhu. careless me lo.
scott emotion? what it that?
don't know la, have to go see doctor first. I will take care de la.
you also take care o,

HAHA, ange, love you with no rope also HAHA.

Lenna♥ said...

Jason, aww, haha sayang.

Anonymous said...

aiya... so many ppl love u...
mi jealous dy lar...
@$%^%$***... XD

Anonymous said...

who are you jealous of huh , ange? haha. jealous of me arh?

haha,, SAYANG YOU also la



Anonymous said...

Lol I forgot to put my name, in college now, still got bout 15 minutes more till class start. haha. i know I'm suppose to do some revision before maths class start or not I would be like uhhhh, but still . HAHa.

Anonymous said...

huh?! e...e..e.r...r.. -_-"...

Jason CJ said...

lol, now i'm jealous, keke.
now just started college only, take it easy lo =)