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Sunday 12 August 2007


hehehe.. I've absolute nothing to blog about..

Sigh.. life is reallllllyy boring nowadays..

I feel like I'm drifting apart from EVERYBODY

.. sighs sighs..

one good thing is.. I finally passed up my freaking add maths project..

but I did sort off badly and got scolding from mummie, that I shall not tell you why.. blehh.. *shows tongue*

haha.. erm.. weelll let's see...
4 more days till exam.. *Faints and die*
haha.. I'm really dead.. the 1st piece , I mastered it already.. which is a good thing.. 3rd piece half half.. 2nd piece less than half.. sigh..

imagine.. 4 pages!! wait.. 4-6 pages!!! GAH!!!

I'm practising thrice as hard already.. huhuhu.. don't worry! I won't give up!! hehe..

aww I want to post up the things mummie bought for me at Thailand, but that will have to wait.. and I hope during the school holidays.. I could actually go somewhere.. screw exams.. BLEH!!!

kay got a busy busy day tomorrow
need to practise sit ups and push ups.. hehe.. and I gained half KG!! gah.. lolx.. so dramatic.. hehe.. that sit ups and push ups is for tuesday physical activities.. and this time I don't know need to run how many rounds.. 7 and a half? or more.. so need to train train abit larh.. hehe.. me usually will take around 7-8 minutes.. =p so slow la me.. hehe..
wonder this year how???

hmmm.. train more!! wheee...



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