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Sunday 12 August 2007

Know What??

Know what??

sometimes I wish I was home-schooled.. eheheh.. if would be sooo much better.. I can end early or start late as I wish if I'm using the internet as my source of knowledge.. wouldn't that be great?? seriously think of it.. you don't even have to get out of the house and getting your butt up early.. just to go to school.. I know there's the pro and cons about these things.. but

If you home-schooled , you'll have plenty of time.. to do other things.. like exercising, or hanging out with your friends and stuff like dat..

gah.. but our country is.. errr..=X

I'm not saying I'm not proud of being a Malaysian, but our country is abit slow than the others.. even the internet connection can kill you already.. okay what I'm trying to say is.. Malaysia did achieve many things..Like P.Ramlee or Nicol David or even the famous shoe maker JIMMY CHOO!! I didn't believe he was a Malaysian until I saw it in the text book.. can you believe it??

oh yeah, and our country is the first to have the ferris wheel with air conditioning inside.. a.k.a Eye of Malaysia..

So some part of me are proud..

and Some part of me are wondering when are we gonna have extra good and high quality stuffs that everyone could afford.. and my teacher likes to say.. soon they will have and your children will enjoy it.. but why ONLY our children CAN enjoy it , why not us? and why didn't Malaysia get hold of these things before??

didn't know how I ended up here.. eheheh.. anyways..

I wish I could be home -schooled also.. but what hopes do I have.. one more year(meaning next year) till mayb getting ship off to overseas or mayb durin U..

owh, I don't know..

anyways gotogo..

I have many facts and ideas to support my comment just know.. =D

but who cares

Questions asked,
Answer left untold,
This shall be mine and mine only...


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