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Tuesday 4 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Hey guys!

Happy new year, 2011! :) I know I'm slightly late..

how have you guys been?
just a short update on stuff. teehee, I know I'm slightly backdated with my updates, but I'll try my best, just got my wifi fixed a day ago, yes, been deprived from internet in China and also back home. sucky.

Let's talk about resolutions; what I have achieved.

2010 resolutions

1.Try my best to maintain at least a 6.0-6.5GPA
sadly, I only had a mere 5+ GPA, work harder next semester! :)

2.Transfer to another University, must get CO!
made it to UofA, still trying to adapt to the changes :) but reluctant to leave home! eeeks >_<

3.Pass my Grade 8
unable to achieve this. uber sad.

4.Get a Job

5.New Look:D
manage to have a new look last year and i'll have a new look this year too.

6.Be more Daring, brave.
it's a 50/50 situation. In some, I became more daring, but in others... well...

7.Charity Work
didn't get to! but maybe this year :D

8.Celebrate 18 birthday=)
a great one with family and friends and of course people I loved

9.Train My driving skills
still training, now with a different car

10.Keep in touch with everyone
sort of manage to do that. :D

11.Still must learn how to bake
YES! curi from my housemate :P

12.Revamp room ( seeing as it is still under construction)
switched rooms... sooo..

:) there's room for improvement. :D

14.Lose weight, wohoo!
lost weight, but i think I gain back a little from china. oh no = =

15.Save money
hmm, unable to clarify this. D:

16.Learn how to dance
cough cough!

17.Learn how to social

18.Learn photography
learned a few tricks :)

19.Learn photoshop/editing
learned a few tricks :)

20. DO well in all of my examinations,study hard, make my parents proud.
I did well, but I know I could have done way better..

other things I did/happened in 2010...

-got into a relationship, and hoping it would take the greater distance.
-flew across the country to Australia and had to be independent; wasn't easy as friends know that I'm clingy and a family girl.
-attended my brother&maggie's wedding
-attended my auntie's ROM
-went to Fraser hill
-went to the waterfall, Sg.Gabai at Hulu Langat
-Made new friends
-Flew to China
-Celebrated NYE/NY in Gasoline. hulu langat with a whole bunch of strangers.
etc etc.
so guys,
how was your 2010?

cheers to 2011 n work hard towards it.

1 comment:

Gabrielle Evelyn said...


Now is the month of July and,how is your plan going on?

Hermes bags