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Thursday 14 August 2008


I'm able to blog.

I finished my grade 7 piano exam.
please don't ask how it went. I don't want to interpret, I'll just wait for the results to come out.

Been mega busy. Practising piano , tuitions, classes, and so on so on.

Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat - Tuition at tuition centre.
Wed Thurs,- Stay back at school to teach or to learn from friends.

and I'm planning to resume piano classes too..
I once lost the passion to play, but I think it's coming back.

and I missed Wall. E. BOO. =(

besides that, My friend and I are planning prom, big step big step. don't know if we will be able to do it or not. all the best to us and our 'crew'

trials are nearing, so is spm.
everyone work hard!
oh ya, did you get ns?
haha, don't bother to ask me, I won't get into NS.

till then``

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