Went to mid valley.. when dere and got jammed for about half an hour to an hour.. wondering what function is going on.. then finally found out that it's the job and carrier thingy.. aija.. whateva.. not really interested tho...
mummy insisted we went and take a look.. so we went.. then got one guy ask me if I want work anot.. = = then I say " eheh, still studying" then he say.. " aiyah! Studying also can work part time wan wert... " my reply was... "Go die please.. = = " haha!! no la.. I wish I said that.. but nope.. I said.."Form 4 how to work part time??" then he immediately shaddap.. =X =p
then erm.. oh yeah... something that cheered me up.. the 3G phonee!! muahahah.. well, it's not certain yet on who's gonna use it tho.. mayb me mum or me.. eheh.. but both of us are sort off complaining.. cause both our phones contain lot's of important stuff.. xD ahaha.. but at the mean time.. me using two phones.. akakakak.. XD so bangga!! =p
yeah yeah.. so anyways.. went shop here shop dere.. didn't go shopping for quite lonng.. hehe.. then went to jusco and saw.. a lady without fashion sense.. sigh.. took pictures of her and at the mean time trying out the camera for the phone.. eheheh.. so it's like.. killing two birds with a stone.. wahhaha.. =p
erm.. so after shopping.. tired dy lo.. mummie say wanna go watch movie..Ooo.. O.o GHOST MOVIE!!!! haha.. so erm.. went to buy movie le lowh.. we watched de.. erm.. " Forest Of Death"
Erm.. So before watching the movie.. we went for dinner lowh.. Sushi King.. jeng jeng jeng.. have to wait for the seats tho.. cause I didn't wanna seat on the bar seats .. or at the side seats.. =p.. I wanna sit the big big compartment.. haha.. Pampered gal xP BLEK
After that.. we went to watch the movie....
Very nice.. haha.. the movie is actually talking about the forests in our world known as Forest of Death... and it's true.. they have it in Hong Kong, Thailand, America and and and.. one more I forgot.. so 4 of these countries.. yeap.. and many left unknown.. the reason they name "Forest of Death" is because, many goes there to suicide.. and for what?? for love.. like after break up, or like erm.. you wanna go die with your love one ke.. all those.. I think it's sort off stupid tho..
Do you know, how many people wish to live?? why can't you value or appreciate your own life.. okay.. so it's a movie.. but the "Forest of Death" is true and many and many death is increasing as people does not know how to value their lives.. aijar.. cakap banyak only.. ahah.. neways.. IT'S A MOVIE WORTH WATCHING! For more details please go to.. http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Forest+Of+Death/movie/13941/
Did you know that Mid Valley raised the parking price?? Freaking ex okay.. gosh.. they sure earn like fat pigs.. we've been there since bout 4++ till 11.30+ and the parkin price is FREAKING RM8.00!! can you blieve it?!?!?!? argh.. untuk like.. CRAZY LA MID VALLEY...
okay don't wanna complain much.. pictures ~~~~~
Look at HER STYLE!!! urgh.. *faints*
Another lala.. =X
My bro.. ahhah.
My bro is SUCH a Poser!!! xD hehe..
Mua New PURSEY!! x)
The 3G PHONE!! muahahaha...
I miss ______ alot...
Who's that??
That's for you to find out and me to know.. x)
-Friends listen to what you say, Best Friends listen to what you don't say-
-Wondering what are you thinking..everyday every minute every second-
-Guys don't understand what Gurls want, need, but Gurls don't understand what Guys need or want too. -
-I really wanna know what's going around your head.-
-Don't treat like you care for one minute , and you just leave me like an idiot for another-
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