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Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Late Update.

Sun, March 09

Melvin's Birthday. ( My Bro's) =D

Something Funny Happen Today, I was helping my mum to type a sms

typing the work 'cheque'

while typing the "q" I kept pressing number "9" : wxyz.

I kept askin mummy
Lenn: Mie, How to spell cheque?
Mummy: Cheque
Lenn: YALA! why cannot? * keep pressing 'w'
Mummy: Cheque la..
Lenn: YALA!! why cannot, dumb @#!$%@, *realises that I'm pressing num 9. Owh. *shaddup*

hahaha.. =p

Tomorrow outing with da SS,

hope it goes right!!!

Chik Chak Chik Chak!!

Wanna change phone, wanna change phone!! =)

*hopes everything goes right =D*

should I really remember?
Should I really get that person a present?
don't know, undecisive..

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